

Sanskrit, the etymology
            The etymological meaning of Sanskrit is pure. It is derived from the root सम् + कृ by adding suffix to it. But, while adding suffix an augment स् comes in between the prefix and the root. For instance,

सम् + कृ
सम् + कृ +
सम् + स् + कृ +
सम् स्कृत

An augment \ carries a great significance because of which the word gets a positive, good and praising meaning. The words like सुसंकृत, संस्कार, संस्करण etc are derived in the same manner. Due to the absence of this augment, the words like संकृत,,,, संकर, संकार gets negative meaning.
            Hence, now it is understood that the meaning of the word संस्कृत is nicely done, purified which does not have any single grammatical error. So, the word संस्कृत is an adjective or a participle. The word has gained a form of a proper noun, when it is given to the world’s ancient language which is now known as Sanskrit Language.
As far as the etymology points out, it is neither a language of any cast, creed, religion nor a language of any particular region, district, and country. It is the language of humanity. As it is said in a verse,

अयं निज: परो वेति गणना लघुचेतसाम् ǀ
उदारचरितानां तु वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् ǀǀ

This is mine or this is other is the thinking of narrow minded people. For broadminded people, this whole world is like a family. Such many thoughts are described in Sanskrit verses. Not only the thoughts of humanity, philosophy, sciences etc. are available in ample of amount in the form of treatises even today. Only the requirement is to study these treatises and apply that knowledge in today’s world.

Sanskrit studies in foreign countries -
            Sanskrit, considered to be one of the most scientific languages, has been internationally accepted. Sanskrit has now gained momentum all around the world. People around the world are learning Sanskrit for their all round growth. As it is the language of humanity, 224 universities of the world are offering Sanskrit as a subject.
            This video is just an effort to make the audience aware about the studies of Sanskrit going on in abroad.
Hon. Late President of India Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Says-
"Though I am not an expert in Sanskrit, I have many friends who are proficient in Sanskrit. Sanskrit is a beautiful language. It has enriched our society from time immemorial. Today many nations are trying to research Sanskrit writings which are there in our ancient scriptures. I understand that there is a wealth of knowledge available in Sanskrit which scientists and technologists are finding today.”


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